Finding the perfect fit

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For four years, I have wondered the world of Network Marketing to find the perfect fit or more the company that would be home. Of course, that is a daunting task because you want the best company for you! Something that fits your personality and you feel comfortable in marketing. Not to mention a company that not only will pay your bills but also give you extra money after you pay everything. I've seen scams and many a company that fold within the first 6 months and then I've seen MDC (MyDailyChoice) that not only offers products but also services that everyone can use but has flourished from the start.

Women's Professional Vs. Personal Lives

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For decades now, Women have endured both a personal and professional lifestyle with the Professional lifestyle taking place more so after the 1960's and Women's Rights Movement (1848-1920). For women in the professional world, we have fought ever since the beginning of time for equality between the sexes; better pay, flexible hours, benefits, and overall equal treatment to that of a man. The one thing that most women tend to not discuss with even their other women friends is the hard decisions and sacrifices that are made while being a female and a Professional (Freelance, Writer, Network Marketer, Entrepreneur, CEO, Etc). Often times, the most difficult to speak of is the sacrifices we as women make in order to obtain our Professional Career  we have long dreamed of having. It is those conversations and those sacrifices that we tend to stray away from as much as possible. 

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