Let's face it, it can be quiet easy to forget that we are not working our business twenty-four seven. In fact, most of the time we forget to turn off and just be humans again. We become so wrapped up in our work and trying to succeed quickly that we forget how to communicate with people. As a Network Marketer it is easy to work because we love what we do even harder yet to shut off and just be normal again, to go play with our children, or have a night out on the town with our spouse. Life becomes more difficult because we forget the one simple aspect " we are in control of when we work and when we stop working"! That in itself is a major problem that every Network Marketer has faced and will continue to face as long as you are in the business.
The problem is that the minute you decide to become a Network Marketer and join a company you feel like you have to reach the top quickly! We do not realize it but, we put ourselves under pressure to be the best in the field, to be the hottest new Network Marketer out there but, in doing so we lose sight of some of the most important things in life.
We lose sight of how to be normal. We forget how to just have a normal conversation without the mention of our business or opportunity. We forget to spend time with our spouse (boy! that sure is bad). We even forget the simple things like what time of day it is or heck what day of the week it is. We become so wrapped up in our business we forget how to be human anymore!
Let me tell you what happened to me in the beginning of my Network Marketing career and how I made adjustments to work better for everyone involved!
I had been in the business a few months, working at least 80 hours a week if not more. I was eating in front of my computer, I couldn't even remember the last time I shut the computer off and enjoyed a meal with my husband. I had not been outside to work in my garden for weeks. It was all work twenty-four seven for me and I knew it but, I kept going thinking one day it will pay off all these sleepless nights, no doing anything, no spending time with family, etc. one day it will be worth it!
A couple of days past and my husband came into the office sat down and boy the look on his face surely did me in! He asked if I had time to talk, of course I did any thing for him. He asked one question that burned me to the core... "When will I get my wife back?" I proceeded to ask him what he meant and there went a list a mile long. To sum it up, he said all I did anymore was work, all I could talk about was work, and even when I was sleeping I would be talking in my sleep planning out my day. Boy! Talking in my sleep about work was bad real bad considering I've never talked in my sleep before! My husband went on to explain that my mom and sister had not seen me for weeks and was worried, he was worried, and everyone did not know what to do.
Well after that night of a restless sleep I walked to my office, turned on the computer and thought there had to be a better way. Oh! There was a much better way but I did not know it yet!
In the process of all of this I had started on personal development tips and tools and realized my biggest demon was ME! I was the reason why I felt like I had to succeed quickly! I was the reason I felt like I could not quit working! It was all ME! I had done this to myself and I was the only one that could fix it.
I began making out a schedule for each day, how many hours I would work, what meals I would share with my husband, how often my mom and sister would see me, and I even gave myself 2 hours a day for personal development and gardening. Guess what happened??? My business flourished!!! I thought I was doing good but the minute I made the changes I was doing GREAT!!!!
No more stress! No more feeling like I had do be great! No more working twenty-four seven! No, the minute I treated my Network Marketing like a real business with real hours my business took off and started doing GREAT!
The point to this is... you have to remember who is in control of your business... YOU! Do not work so much that you forget to live life and enjoy it with those you love. You can walk away from the computer at any time and still succeed.. I DID! You can have a life and enjoy it and still succeed... I DID! Don't make it impossible for yourself make it possible! Enjoy life and love what you do while you are!
Now, years later I no longer use a schedule to plan my day. I work in my garden, fix breakfast for my family, call my mom, run any errands I have, then work for a few hours. Productive work that really pays off! After a time I learned I no longer needed a schedule I fell into a simple routine that is great. Evenings, I shut down, cook dinner, and enjoy the meal and a movie with my husband. It is great!!!!!
Do not live your life by a schedule enjoy it let what will come, come. Have fun and remember your positive thinking and attitude will effect your bottom line in business. The more happy and positive you are in life the more your business will succeed! It isn't rocket science its common sense... positive life equals a positive successful business!
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