Positive vs. Negative Attitude
Did you know that your attitude and what you put online effects not only your team members but also how well you succeed in Network Marketing? This is most definitely true! If you have ever heard or seen someone say "I'm wanting positive people in my life not negativity" there is a reason behind this and a real good reason. In Network Marketing unlike traditional jobs the goal is your attitude and how you present yourself not the company you are with! You must have that positive, upbeat, go-getter attitude which will "attract" more people to you and ultimately your business.
You may by now be asking yourself, "how does my attitude play a part in my success or failure"? Quite frankly there are many ways your attitude can play a part in either your success or failure. Let's take an example here and see what you think or more to the point how you feel about the statement.
What would you think if you saw someones post on their Facebook a message like this:
1. Today just totally sucks everything is going all wrong. I hate life and hate living like this.
After reading that, what do you feel? Honestly, think about that for a moment and really think about how that statement just impacted how you feel today!
NOW, what if someone posted something differently for example:
2. WOW! Today has been the best day ever! I've done team training, helped a lot of new recruits, spent time with my family, and overall feel so blessed to have had this day.
Do you see the big difference in the "attitude" you feel or read from both posts?
When someone has a crappy or negative attitude the more your team members and others who have been following you will turn their heads away. People do not want to see negativity. It is proven that people want to see and be a part of a team that has an upbeat attitude the more positive attitude. You can't attract people who want to be a part of your business or your team when you have a negative attitude. If you have a positive, upbeat attitude people will be "attracted" to you and want to be a part of your team!!!!
You're attitude as you can now see, will effect whether you succeed or fail in Network Marketing. It is how you present yourself not your products or company. You cannot expect people to join you or your team if your attitude is negative. No one wants to have a negative leader on their hands.
If you are not positive now or struggle with this.. now is the time to reflect and work on YOU! Take time to work on you and your attitude. Ask yourself what really makes you feel unhappy. Sometimes learning what makes you feel unhappy or have negative thoughts will help you learn what needs to be worked on to give you a happy upbeat attitude. Take time and reflect on you this week!
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