Have you ever sponsored a downline member only to see that person quit & join a different company within their first year? Of course you have, if not you will fall witness to this at some point. Humans are searching for this "quick rich fix" that does not exist. Every person you sponsor is looking for a way to make hundreds even thousands of dollars in the first couple of months while some believe they should be making that within their first week. If the person in the first few months does not seriously make good money according to their standards they will go out actively searching for something else that could be "better". I use the word 'better' loosely here because what the person joins or buys into may not be better than what they already had. The grass is not always greener on the other side!
Jumping Ship
Have you ever sponsored a downline member only to see that person quit & join a different company within their first year? Of course you have, if not you will fall witness to this at some point. Humans are searching for this "quick rich fix" that does not exist. Every person you sponsor is looking for a way to make hundreds even thousands of dollars in the first couple of months while some believe they should be making that within their first week. If the person in the first few months does not seriously make good money according to their standards they will go out actively searching for something else that could be "better". I use the word 'better' loosely here because what the person joins or buys into may not be better than what they already had. The grass is not always greener on the other side!
Fearing the Unknown
Let's face it one of the greatest weaknesses human kind faces is fear. It is our nature to fear something whether that be the spider on the wall, the snake outside, flying, people, or our career choice. Fear can strike us down and stop us in our tracks, literally! In Network Marketing, fear can hold you back so far that essentially you fail in business.
Hiding your Voice the "Curtain Effect"
Have you ever read something online and immediately thought, "oh my god there is no way this person really talks like this"? The problem is this too many people either hide behind the computer or try to recreate themselves online. I like to think of this as the "curtain effect". You pull the curtains close to change because let's face it you don't want a stranger seeing you naked same is said true to being online. You pretend so hard to be someone you are not that you have caused the curtain effect. You only allow those in your online reality to see you as you want to be seen but not as the person you really are.
Spam in a can
People seem to think that the spam is filling or that it really does taste good. Have you ever tried it? It doesn't taste good, never works, and always leaves a nasty taste in your mouth afterward. You take the time to think it through, get everything accomplished down to the finish, and still it tastes like c-r-a-p. Oh! Did you think I meant spam in the can? Heck no, spam you know that stuff that goes to your junk mail hasn't anyone learned spam just really isn't that great?
Haters will Hate!
Have you ever noticed how you can be in the most fantastic mood ever but, all of a sudden you get around someone and BOOM bomb shell went off. Goodbye fantastic mood!!! Hello negativity! The person just sucked the life force right out of you! You can immediately feel the energy draining, the fight going right out of you. Hating is the most contagious disease one could catch.
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