Jumping Ship

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Have you ever sponsored a downline member only to see that person quit & join a different company within their first year? Of course you have, if not you will fall witness to this at some point. Humans are searching for this "quick rich fix" that does not exist. Every person you sponsor is looking for a way to make hundreds even thousands of dollars in the first couple of months while some believe they should be making that within their first week. If the person in the first few months does not seriously make good money according to their standards they will go out actively searching for something else that could be "better". I use the word 'better' loosely here because what the person joins or buys into may not be better than what they already had. The grass is not always greener on the other side!

There is a way in the beginning to be able to avoid this or at least warn your new recruits of what exactly will happen when they decide to jump ship on you. First off you should speak to your new recruits about this as soon as possible so if a problem arises in the first year you will not come off as a jealous sponsor. You have to remember every person is human and there are numerous reasons why a person would quit but, your job is to Mentor those recruits and help them see the main goal. You can lead the horse to the creek but you cannot force it to drink the water.

Within your first few conversations with a new recruit the main things you should be discussing are as follows:

1. What are their goals for this business
2. Where do they see themselves in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years down the road
3. How much money do they want to make on a monthly basis
4. Obstacles they face such as rejection, other opportunities, downlines quitting for no reason, family crisis, life situations, etc.

Now that you have a better understanding of what the person wants out of this business you can help Mentor and come up with a 'game plan' to help that new recruit succeed.

Next you should discuss

1. Weekly goal settings
2. Realistic timetable for income desired
3.Warm Markets vs. Cold Markets
4. How to creating a Warm Market List
5. How to approach their warm market list
6. How to close when a person rejects them (i.e asking for referrals, asking to contact the person again at a later date 6 months etc.)
7. Using 3 way callings with their sponsor or upline
8. Weekly meetings or conferences with mentor

Now let's get to the nitty gritty of one thing ALL leaders should learn right from the start.

When you join a company as a Network Marketer you will own your own business. That means any success or failure is yours and yours only. If you do not succeed you cannot blame it on your upline or downline.

You as a Leader have the choice of who you mentor and who you do not mentor.

It is recommend letting recruits know right from the start that if they deviate or jump ship I will no longer support them. Some may take that as being harsh but let me say it like this... Do you want to spend countless hours, days, or even weeks mentoring someone that has absolutely no interest in your business, products, or services???

I can tell you honestly to date I have fallen victim to both jumping ship and seeing my downline completely quit or jump opportunities. In the beginning, you will feel as if it were your fault or that you some how caused this; as I know that is how I felt at first. Then, as you educate yourself more, speak to your mentor, and see the bigger plan in Network Marketing you will learn that it was not your fault in fact you did nothing wrong.

There were times were I would see another opportunity and think "wow that sounds so great if that were true I could retire before I'm 30 years old". Sometimes I would give a shot and try it jumping ship. THEN the big Network Marketing picture hit me. If I jump ship all the time no one will be able to keep up with what I am doing nor will anyone care what opportunity I have.

I found the company that I love the most. The products are amazing and I love the compensation plan & rewards. So, what did I do???? I educated myself, I reached out to my mentor, and kept my blinders on. That was how I have become successful. I no longer care what other opportunities are out there nor do I want to be pitched an opportunity. Though people still try to recruit me, at this point you just have to learn how to firmly say NO.


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