Have you ever read something online and immediately thought, "oh my god there is no way this person really talks like this"? The problem is this too many people either hide behind the computer or try to recreate themselves online. I like to think of this as the "curtain effect". You pull the curtains close to change because let's face it you don't want a stranger seeing you naked same is said true to being online. You pretend so hard to be someone you are not that you have caused the curtain effect. You only allow those in your online reality to see you as you want to be seen but not as the person you really are.
The curtain effect is causing problems in many areas including business because your real voice is not being heard. People then begin to ask themselves, "who is this person really"?
In my own personal experience I can tell you honestly that the curtain effect never works. You at some point down the road will wake up one day, walk to your computer, fire up the mean machine, and think to yourself " I can't do this no more this person isn't me". I know because I have done the curtain effect before.
There was this time in my life that the curtain effect applied greatly. I was convinced for the longest time that if I just continued to be a different person, to act more business like, to be a hard core person, and push business I would succeed. WRONG! I had no voice in the matter. I had lost who I was along the way and could not open the curtains. I had begun acting like a person I was not and could not easily hold a normal conversation with anyone anymore. It was business twenty-four seven until it began putting a strain on my marriage and my daily life. I kept forgetting how I was supposed to act until it finally came down to the real question of "who am I"? Reality was I had stopped having a voice or acting as myself. I had pulled the curtains tight, sewn them together, and made sure they would never open. The problem was it literally effected every part of my life.
The curtain effect is where you have no voice because you have lost who you are in reality. You are being you but playing the part of someone else that after a while really puts a strain on you physically, emotionally, and spiritually because you no longer no what part you are playing.
Ask yourself this:
Who am I?
What Voice do I want to have?
How do I want to be heard?
Am I targeting the right people?
Your voice allows you to determine what type of people you attract. Kind of like if you are negative you will only attract more negative people. Its a force field that you must create for yourself from who you are not from who you wish you could be. Who you are is born from within and you must learn how to incorporate that into everything you do from a relationship to your business.
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