Haters will Hate!
Have you ever noticed how you can be in the most fantastic mood ever but, all of a sudden you get around someone and BOOM bomb shell went off. Goodbye fantastic mood!!! Hello negativity! The person just sucked the life force right out of you! You can immediately feel the energy draining, the fight going right out of you. Hating is the most contagious disease one could catch.
Have you ever heard the term "haters hate". It does seem to be true! Haters hate to be happy. Yup! Sounds strange I know. You would think people would want to be in a great mood as often as possible. Haters are not always born from emotion; rather jealousy, rage, and even fear can feed a hater to hate. Someone could simply be jealous that you are succeeding at something when they are not. Fear of failing or not succeeding can make people do the worst things and bring even more negativity to ones life.
I've recently come to learn that there are some people no matter how happy you are or how much you try to cheer them up can only be negative. The main consequence to this is that their negativity will weigh on you and before you know it you too will become a hater.
Truth be told, every person including myself has at one point found ourselves jealous because we see someone else having it "easy". What we perceive to be "easy" for one person is only the cover story its like reading a title but never really opening up the book. Too much can be covered up in turn feeding your hate towards someone.
The most challenging aspect of having such a social life is keeping the negativity and drama at bay. If you are like me, you spend your days on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Blogger, and other social media sites found online. Your life is more public than private or at least to a specific degree. Then, before you know it you scroll down on your timeline and see nothing but negativity or drama.
I've learned that no matter how much a person wants to try and suck that life force from you online they can't. There's a "delete" button for a reason. Online it is made so easily we can simply delete the person from our lives never to have to deal with it again.
What about those in our daily lives? Well we can only continue to stay positive in the hopes it will rub off on them and change their way of thinking. If our happy moods do not seem to improve the person hating the best thing for us is to leave, walk away, run even if you have to. The more you stay in a place or area where it is nothing but negative the more you will find you can only think negative.
Being positive isn't about being happy twenty-four seven without ever thinking "oh crap how am I going to do this"? It is about knowing you can be positive. That instead of letting the negative swallow you whole you find the best in any given situation. Basically, the old saying "things could always be worse" holds true. No matter the situation your life could be different but it is up to you on whether it will change for the better!!!
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